Tuesday, October 13, 2015

It's all Relative

This layout was formerly an UnFinished Object aka as UFO...I love the papers and the photo...I definitely struggled with a title as I either didn't have enough letters in the package to fit the title, or I didn't have, what I thought, was the right color...

I really wanted to use the title "Grand" kids...as this is a photo of myself and my 2 oldest grandchildren...but the letters just weren't there...I finally found the pinkish letters in part of my "stash" that I was planning on getting rid of...The were the perfect color...But now that the LO is together, I'm not sure I like the size of the letters on here...It's like separately I like it, but together I don't...Strange...I did get a comment from a scrapbook forum that I frequent and someone suggested a butterfly w/some pink in it...So I'm on a mission for that...lol...Anyhow...you be the judge and leave a comment...Thanks for looking and have a great day...

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